- Adolescence
- Agora Débats/Jeunesses
- Boyhood Studies
- Children, Youths and Environments
- Creative Education
- Desidades – Revista eletrónica de divulgação científica da infância e Juventude
- Emerging Adulthood
- European Educational Research Journal
- Girlhood Studies
- International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
- International Journal of Psychology and Counselling
- Journal of Adolescent Health
- Journal of Adolescence Research
- Journal of Children’s Services
- Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Journal of Early Adolescence
- Journal of Experimental Education
- Journal of Gang Research
- Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science
- Journal of Research on Adolescence
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence
- Journal of Youth Studies
- Policy Futures in Education
- Revista Argentina de Estudios de Juventud do Observatorio de Jóvenes y Medios de Comunicación de la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la Universidad de la Plata
- Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia
- Revista de Estudios de Juventud do Instituto de la Juventud – INJUVE (Espanha)
- Revista Segurança Urbana e Juventude
- Revue Jeunes et Société
- Sociologia da Educação – Revista Luso-brasileira
- Sociological Studies of Children and Youth
- Young – Nordic Youth research Journal
- Young Consumers
- Youth & Policy
- Youth & Society
- Youth Justice
- Youth Studies Australia
- Youth Voice Journal
The Sctructure of the European Education Systems 2018/19: Schematic Diagrams
Data de publicação: Outubro de 2018
This report provides information on the structure of mainstream education in European countries from pre-primary to tertiary level for the 2018/19 school and academic year. It includes national schematic diagrams, an explanatory guide and a map showing the main organisational models of compulsory education. The information is available for 43 European education systems covering 38 countries participating in the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.
Education at a Glance 2018
Data de publicação: Setembro de 2018
This book brings together contributions from the ILO’s Youth Employment Programme detailing policies that enable young people to find decent work. The chapters are organized around the pillars of the ILO’s 2012 call for action on youth employment and consider the impacts of a broad range of interventions including fiscal and sectoral development policies, minimum wages and active labour market programmes. An important theme running through the book – in addition to the growing instability of youth employment – is the importance of interactions and complementarities between institutions, policies and the broader economic context.