The Sctructure of the European Education Systems 2018/19: Schematic Diagrams

Data de publicação: Outubro de 2018

This report provides information on the structure of mainstream education in European countries from pre-primary to tertiary level for the 2018/19 school and academic year. It includes national schematic diagrams, an explanatory guide and a map showing the main organisational models of compulsory education. The information is available for 43 European education systems covering 38 countries participating in the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.

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Education at a Glance 2018

Resultado de imagem para Education at a Glance 2018Data de publicação: Setembro de 2018

This book brings together contributions from the ILO’s Youth Employment Programme detailing policies that enable young people to find decent work. The chapters are organized around the pillars of the ILO’s 2012 call for action on youth employment and consider the impacts of a broad range of interventions including fiscal and sectoral development policies, minimum wages and active labour market programmes. An important theme running through the book – in addition to the growing instability of youth employment – is the importance of interactions and complementarities between institutions, policies and the broader economic context.

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Long-term unemployed youth: characteristics and policy responses


Data de publicação: Dezembro de 2017

While the youth labour market has improved considerably since 2014, one legacy of the recent economic crisis is the large cohort of long-term unemployed young people, which represents nearly one-third of jobless young people. This report provides an updated profile of the youth labour market in 2016 and describes trends over the past decade.

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Rising to the youth employment challenge: New evidence on key policy issues

Data de publicação: Agosto de 2017

This book brings together contributions from the ILO’s Youth Employment Programme detailing policies that enable young people to find decent work. The chapters are organized around the pillars of the ILO’s 2012 call for action on youth employment and consider the impacts of a broad range of interventions including fiscal and sectoral development policies, minimum wages and active labour market programmes. An important theme running through the book – in addition to the growing instability of youth employment – is the importance of interactions and complementarities between institutions, policies and the broader economic context.

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Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe 2016 – Thematic Overviews


Data de publicação: Fevereiro de 2017

These thematic overviews provide background information to the Education and Training Monitor 2016, and examine education structures, policies and reforms in five key areas:

Early childhood education and care

Achievement in basic skills

Early leaving from Education and Training

Higher Education

Graduate Employability.

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Retrato dos Jovens

Data de publicação: Abril de 2017

Resumo de indicadores que retratam os Jovens em seis áreas essenciais: população, família, protecção social e pobreza, educação, mercado de trabalho, digital.

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Exploring the diversity of NEETs

Data de publicção: Julho de 2016

The concept of NEET (young people not in employment, education or training) has, since 2010, been widely used as a tool to inform youth-oriented policies in the 28 Member States of the European Union. While it has been a valuable addition to more traditional indicators used to understand the economic and social vulnerability of young people and their labour market participation, it has often been criticised because of the heterogeneity of the population it captures. This report explores the diversity of NEETs and suggests seven subgroups into which the NEET population can be disaggregated using data routinely collected for the EU Labour Force Survey.

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Jovens no mercado de trabalho : módulo ad hoc de 2016 do Inquérito ao Emprego

«Com a temática Jovens no mercado de trabalho visa-se dispor de informação comparável, ao nível europeu, sobre a situação dos jovens no mercado de trabalho, com vista a monitorizar os objetivos definidos na Estratégia Europa 2020 e na iniciativa Juventude em Movimento.

Este tema ganha ainda mais relevância por se tratar de uma geração com níveis médios de qualificação mais elevados do que as gerações precedentes, a que se associa, no entanto, uma elevada taxa de desemprego, refletindo uma maior dificuldade de entrada no mercado de trabalho.

Este módulo integra o programa de módulos ad hoc para o triénio 2016-2018, definido no Regulamento Delegado da Comissão (UE) N.º 1397/2014, de 22 de outubro, e segue as recomendações metodológicas e técnicas definidas no questionário modelo do Eurostat.»

Being young in Europe today

Data de publicação: 2015
‛Being young in Europe today’ presents some of Eurostat’s most interesting data on children and young people in the European Union. It gives an insight into the past, current and future situation of our youngest fellow citizens, ranging from attending school and participating in sport and leisure activities, to leaving the parental home and entering the professional life. Data are presented for the European Union and its Member States as well as for the EFTA countries.


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Social inclusion of young people

Data de publicação: Setembro de 2015

Since the onset of the economic crisis, the unemployment level among young people has risen sharply and although an improvement is now being registered some EU countries still have stubbornly high youth unemployment rates. Young people, especially those who are not in employment, education or training (NEET), are now the group at highest risk of social exclusion, with severe consequences not only for the individuals concerned but for the economy and society as a whole.

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